(God) has entrusted
our children, His
children, to us, not
to the schools, and
certainly, not to the
by Carolyn J. Smith
GROWING UP IN GOD’S IMAGE makes it easy for families to approach the topic of
sexuality -- mom to daughter, father to son, parent to child -- especially for that first big
talk on the facts of life. This book is about the beauty of growing up as a young woman or
a young man. For teens, it provides positive answers through an understanding of
sexuality as God intended from the moment He created it and when He later gave it to us
as a sacrament through Jesus. For young and old couples alike, it gives a new appreciation
of their own sacramental marriages. It is about family and the restoration of family life and
love. It is about God's plan for us.
GROWING UP IN GOD’S IMAGE provides parents with gender specific sections, "How to
Talk with Your Daughter" and "How to Talk with Your Son." Both Carolyn and Jim
(Carolyn's husband who contributed the section for boys) provide actual words parents can
use in this very important conversation. GROWING UP IN GOD’S IMAGE is an invaluable
resource for parents wanting to give their children more than just a biology lesson.
Recently, Carolyn was interviwed on the Sunrise Morning Show
(EWTN) - click the link to listen to Carolyn explaining the foundations
that led to the book GROWING UP IN GOD’S IMAGE. Carolyn also
outlines the tools parents can use with their children.
Critical Reviews and Praise for Growing Up In
God’s Image:
"This book guides parents to gradually expand a
child's understanding of life beginning with how the
love of family reflects the love of God. Teaching
the facts of life fully demands including the
spiritual. Caroline does a beautiful job explaining
the physical changes that occur during puberty
while including the responsibility to be true to
God's plan and purpose for our bodies. The life
lessons are presented in clear language and will
enrich not just the children, but the parents also
reading this book as an aid."
Patti Maguire Armstrong, author
"Courageous, timely and beautifully sensitive. In a
time when our children are bombarded by all the
wrong messages about their bodies, here is a
wonderful guide for parents to talk to their children
about Godliness, their bodies and sex." –
Donna Piscitelli, children’s author.
"A useful guidebook for parents and a resource
that's sure to strengthen your family. Discard the
dread of "the talk" and embrace the beauty of a
faith-based approach. My copy's sure to be dog-
eared and passed along!" -
Sarah Reinhard, author of Catholic Family Fun
and SnoringScholar.com
"Smith has created a terrific resource....as I read
this book, my overriding thought was how well it
illustrates the deep roots and far-flung implications
of Church teaching on marital sexuality."
Kathleen Basi, writer
"I thank Carolyn J. Smith for thoughtfully and
prayerfully compiling a resource that will help
parents in explaining the facts of life to their
children by placing it within the context of our Faith
and the Theology of the Body. Growing Up in
God's Image is a wonderful tool for any parent and
I look forward to recommending it to the readers
who visit our site."
Lisa M. Hendey, Founder and Editor of
www.CatholicMom.com and author of A Book of
Saints for Catholic Moms
“Growing Up in God’s Image should be in the
parenting toolbox of every Catholic parent of
tweens and teens to help guide those important
and nerve-wracking conversations on human
Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, writer
Here is the introduction to this resource that should be on every parent’s
“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”
(1 Corinthians 12:7)
It’s been many years since that first talk with my oldest daughter about the
facts of life, but I remember it very well. Like most moms, I was a bit nervous
and consternated over what to say. Actually, I remember resenting that I had
to talk with her so soon. I felt pressured because many of the children at
school were already “knowledgeable.” Hearing something from a classmate
was the last thing I wanted to happen. I didn’t want her to hear about “sex.” I
wanted her to hear about the beauty of God’s gift of love. I was getting ready
to tell her about a very special and holy love, the love that existed between
her father and me. My husband, Jim, is truly God’s gift to me. So I went to the
Source of the gift and asked Him, “Lord, what do you want me to say to her?”
I felt certain God wanted me to start at the beginning with Him. After all, He is
Love itself. All love, especially this love, comes from Him. God created us to
love Him and to love each other; therefore we should talk about His creation
of Adam and Eve and His plan for marriage from the very beginning. What we
have today is nothing new. It has existed since the beginning of time. And, in
the One that we image, it has always existed! Thus, this theme became the
beginning of the “facts of life” talk.
The second theme came to me many years later while away with my husband
for a weekend. The gift came during Mass between the consecration and the
communion. After Mass, I couldn’t wait to tell Jim! It left me absolutely in awe
that God has given to married people a love that resembles His own in the
I was then able to share this with my fifth daughter, (and the sixth, seventh,
and eighth) when I talked to her about the “facts of life.” Her reaction was
everything a mom could hope for. She looked up at me and said in wonder,
“Wow, THAT is really neat!”
The third theme talks about marriage as a sacrament. What God intended
from the very beginning of creation was elevated to a new level of sanctity by
His Son. God is intimately present to every couple through the sacrament. He
is the very Center of their life and love.
The first time I was inclined to share all of this came after a call from a friend.
In the course of the conversation, she mentioned that it was time to talk to her
oldest daughter. She had tied herself up in knots wondering what to say. I told
her that I’d done it five times already and would be glad to share with her
what I do, if she wished. So we set a time and she came to my house — very
nervous. But, what a thrill it was for me to watch her leave a little while later,
not only at peace, but excited and anxious to talk with her daughter.
She called me later to tell me that it went great. But, she wanted more. She
told me that I should and must write it down in a way that would help lots of
people, just like it helped her. She said that there is such a need for this,
especially in today’s world. (The ‘funny’ thing was that my husband had also
strongly suggested the same thing several times already, including that very
morning. The Spirit can be such a “pest!”)
So, my purpose is exactly that — to help! And, if it helps you, thank the Holy
Spirit! It is His gift to us all!
In addition, my husband, Jim, very generously contributed the section,
“Talking With Your Son,” for fathers to use based on what he covered with our
There is no doubt in my mind that God has willed this. He wants parents to sit
with their children and tell them about love. He has entrusted our children, His
children, to us, not to the schools, and certainly, not to the state. There are
others, such as pastors and teachers, who can lend a valuable hand when
needed. They give assistance when we ask for it, but they can never take our
We need to be reminded and our children need to hear that nothing on this
earth is separate from God. When somebody draws a picture or writes a
story, we see a part of that person in their work. This is most true of God. He
is the Author of it all and so we see a part of Him in every form of creation.
Because He created human beings above all the rest and actually made us in
His likeness, He should be the most visible in us! Just as He once did, He still
comes into our world through the family.
You will find that as you and your children use this book together, you will be
seeing God’s plan for each of us as male and female and God’s plan for
marriage and family just as he intended from the very beginning of creation.
You will see it as sacramental and holy, an image of God Himself and a
reflection of His love for us. In very simple words, this is the message John
Paul II conveyed in his Theology of the Body. Of paramount importance to his
papacy was that all of God’s people answer the universal call to holiness,
especially through their vocations in life. Most of us are called to the married
life, but all of us depend on the sacrament of matrimony for our very
existence and formation. If we want holy men and women serving God in this
world according to His purpose, we must begin with holy families.
In our world, the meaning of family and its value in society has been lost. I
pray for its conversion.
A New Approach to the Facts of Life Talk. What To Say and How To Say It.
Catholic Writers Guild
Seal of Approval
Radio Interview
Sunrise Morning Show
click above
Brian Patrick